Student will enjoy a fun filled action packed camp. Play dress up and create fall crafts that your child can take home and hang on the wall. Students will put together their own painting book, art work that’s created at camp.
On the last day students can enjoy Pizza and jump around in the fun castle. Play musical chairs, balloon hockey and minute to win games.
Camp Date: October 23rd – 27th, 2023
Drop off: 8:00 AM – 8:45:AM
Pick up: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Refund Policy No refunds. Camp credit will be given on a medical basis only.
Ticket Information
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Organiser Photo -

Organiser - Francine Parris
Organizer Description
Hello Parents!
You will find that I wear many hats and working with kids is just one of them. Thank you for taking out time to read this small introduction to my background of working with young people. I really love it, it's a passion of mine that I never knew I had. I believe I got it from my mother. Who was a nurse and caregiver for many years. To be honest my summers as a young person were not camping but changing diapers and waking up to the sound of children. I never knew it was the training ground for what I do today.
In 2006 after returning back from University. I started working under the Department of Youth, Sport & Recreation as Community Worker and later Coordinator from 2006 to 2017. While working under the Department I optioned many youth certifications and experiences working at Sandy's, Hamilton and St. George's Community Centers. I would later go on to open my own business leaving the Dept. So, in 2017 Destiny After School Program aka DASP Bermuda was launched and has become the success story it is today. To learn more about what we do visit our website at: daspbermuda.weebly.com or give us a call on 704-3378.