Jump 2B Fit End of Summer Camp
Jump rope fun for everyone! The perfect end of summer camp! Play games, have fun and learn new jump rope tricks and skills!
If you want to try out for the national jump rope team this Fall – this camp is a MUST! We will go over all skill sets needed to get you ready for tryouts!
Located on the 3rd Floor at The Old Berkeley Building. Camp is from 8:30-4PM daily.
Ticket Information
Additional Details
Organiser Photo -

Organiser - Sionna Barton
Organizer Description
Sionna "Coach Si" Barton is the head coach of Bermuda Jump Rope Federation as well as the owner and head coach of JAG Athletics. Coach Si has been highlighting the awesome sport of jump rope and its benefits for all in Bermuda by growing the sport in schools and throughout the community. For the last decade, Coach Si has coached both children and adults alike and mentored some of the best talent in this community. Coach Si then expanded into JAG Athletics. JAG Athletics was created during covid as a non-traditional way of exercising. JAG stand for Jump rope, Acrobatics, Gymnastics. With her background in gymnastics, Coach Si also offers jump rope, acro, and gymnastics athletics programs for toddlers, kids, teens and adults.
Date And Time
September 1 ,2023