St. George’s UNESCO World Heritage Site Summer Camp
Following the UNESCO World Heritage in Young Hands curriculum, students will, through the application of exciting field trips and educational activities:
Understand the values of World Heritage sites.
Understand the relationship between World Heritage sites and identity.
Identify the implications of development on heritage conservation.
Identify the advantages and potential threats of
tourism to World Heritage sites.
Identify effective strategies for tourism and ecologically sustainable development.
Become aware of different types of ecosystems and World Heritage natural sites.
Identify existing and potential environmental issues that may affect World Heritage natural site.
Understand the importance of good management of World Heritage sites and ecosystems.
Visit and learn about different sites in Bermuda’s UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Additional Details
Organiser Photo -

Organiser - The St. George's Foundation
Organizer Description
We are committed to involving our members, volunteers and cultural partners as we continue our mission to educate and increase awareness of everything our valuable UNESCO World Heritage Site has to offer to Bermuda's schoolchildren, our community, and visitors.
Date And Time
July 14 ,2023