Annual Web Only (monthly)

$50.00 / month for 12 months


Our Web Only Package will allow you to reach over 300 parents searching for camps, hobbies, events & services for their kids on our website. It also gives you the ability to post more information about your service, take payment, post a flyer and photo of the organizer, also allow you to see how many people view your event, and edit your event through your private dashboard. We have found that most parents struggle with signing up for many camps, hobbies and event for their kids.  Therefore we have created this centralized location on our website where parents can go and find activities & services for kids in one spot, register & pay. While also making organisers lives easier by not having to send so many emails and constantly checking their online banking all day to see if someone has paid.  If this package interests you, let’s book a meeting to show you around the website.
Things you need to know about our Web Packages:
  • Website Packages:
    • You don’t have to sell tickets to list events/services on the website.
    • Please keep in mind that the Web Packages allow you to set up all information about your event or service through the website on your own.  If you require assistance, we can set up the website on your behalf for a flat rate fee of $30.
    • When selling tickets:
      • Website Packages:
        • You don’t have to sell tickets to list events/services on the website.
        • When selling tickets:
          • We charge a $3 processing fee to clients per ticket.
          • Any Banking fees that occur from selling tickets on our website will be deducted from the tickets sold.
          • We require three working days to transfer funds after the event is closed on our website.
          • You have access to a private login to see who signs up/ purchases tickets.
          • We require anyone selling tickets on our site to display a refund policy because we do not provide refunds


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