Annual Web + Social Package (Monthly)

$71.00 / month for 12 months and a $71.00 sign-up fee


The Web + Social Package provides you with 12 Social posts and 12 Web post upfront for the year.  The benefit of this package is that you can tell us you would promote your service, and we will plan your content to be posted.  In addition to the promotion you have 12 event post that you can use through the website whenever you want that last for 120 days. Please see below to see how this the Web + Social package works.
How the Social Side works
  • You have 12 Social post 
  • Each of the 12 includes us posting your flyer to our Instagram, Facebook Page, Facebook Group & our Newsletter
  • Allows you to be seen by over 4,000 parents searching for Camps, Hobbies, Events, and Kid Services
  • Write a small description of what you are offering that will be placed in our newsletter
  • Link to your website or on our stories through Instagram 
Things you need to know about Social Packages:
  • Please advise us at least the week before you would like to post your Flyers (between Monday & Friday)
  • Schedule for the post:
    • Mondays – Camps are posted 
    • Wednesdays – Events & Party Planning Services are posted
    • Thursdays – Hobbies/Activities & Kid Services are posted
  • Newsletters are sent every Monday if and when new events or services are added


How the Web Event Post work

This package allows you to do the following;
  • Gives you 12 event post upfront to go on the website (ex.camps,family events, kid service & activities)
  • Take payment through our website
  • Take monthly payment from your customers
  • List your event, hobby, activity, or service for up to 3 months at a time
  • Post your flyer
  • Show the day & time of your event
  • Show the Location of your event
  • Picture of the organizer
  • Bio of organizer 
  • Have your logo displayed
  • Ability for customers to contact you directly
  • Ability to add links to your Instagram and Facebook

Things you need to know about our Web Part of the Package:

  • You don’t have to sell tickets to list events/services on the website.
  • Please keep in mind that the Web packages allow you to set up all information about your event or service through the website on your own. If you require assistance, we can set up the website on your behalf for a flat rae fee of $30.
  • When selling tickets:
    • We charge a $3 processing fee to clients per ticket
    • Any banking fees that occur from selling tickets on our website will be deducted from the tickets sold
    • We require three working days to transfer funds after the event ticket is closed on our website
    • You have access to a private login to see who signs up/purchases tickets
    • We require anyone selling tickets on our site to display a refund policy because we do not provide refunds


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